Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sunset 2

This was my first proper paint of the new sunset picture. The paint isn't even dry. There is a whole lot more to come and I am eager to do it but will now have a couple of days off as Trish is visiting. Glad I eventually got something done today it wasn't looking so good a couple of hours ago. It all needs a lot more painting and the sea especially needs much work. Like I mean heaps! When it is 'finished' I will post the actual photograph of the sunset we saw which has inspired it all.  Ohhh I am looking forward to the next go!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Red progresses

OK I thought I'd put this up now for my own interest really to see what progresses. I now have shells and buttons on it and they will get painted red tomorrow.
And in a real devilish sort of way I am putting up the very very very early sunset canvas  - I shouldn't really but hey! I am doing lots of work on the base getting texture in which I will then paint on top but am aware that might not work and I might have to make the paint textured and thick.
Seems strange in some ways to be still fiddling around with my art with the whole disaster in Christchurch but - what else to do?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oops - watch this space

Stage one and stage 2! When  I did the blue I saw it was hopeless then I painted the blue white still hopeless with the silly big eye look then after much chat and thought I got rid of the eyes all together and am not worried about the texture - I'll just paint over it. so, the second picture is now my new base. It's very hard to see that there are lines of different red top and bottom . They will be come much lighter with the darker meater red in the large middle strip.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

RED - again

Another stinking hot day too. I seem to choose them to paint in! Here they are - part of my series. A series of red paintings that don't look any good on the blog. Ah well.The one of the left is 22x 28 the little one is 8 x 12
This first one is in stage 2 so thought I would put it up now. This is the one I tried to make a random back ground but of course it can't be random cos I made it. The painting of it is pretty random though and I am no longer following the back ground and added more rice paper to it. I use masses of permanent Alizarine which was described on a blog as dirty and bloody - that's why I like it. I need to get some brown madder too but the tube I bought was all separated and the other one I looked at was the same. Find another brand next week. The top is too pink and yellow and there isn't much irrid or interference on it yet. I have signed up for an art class. I want to learn how to get another splash of colour into my reds or blues. I will take my pictures with me in the car so I can talk about them to him.
And the little one is on an experimental canvas which makes it a random background.